Cool Sculpting

CoolSculpting® is a leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment.† It's an innovative way to contour your body by freezing unwanted fat. It involves no surgery and minimal expected downtime. With more than 5 million CoolSculpting® treatment cycles performed worldwide,‡ people everywhere are getting a different view of themselves.
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How cool is the CoolSculpting® procedure? Does it hurt?
As the name suggests, the CoolSculpting® procedure can be a little chilly. Controlled cooling is delivered via an applicator to freeze the targeted fat. Though you may feel intense cold initially, this feeling usually subsides as the area numbs. Because most applicators use a vacuum to draw fatty tissue into the applicator cup, you may feel some pulling, tugging, and/or mild pinching.
After you and your physician select the area(s) to be treated, the device is positioned on your body and controlled cooling is applied. A gel pad and applicator are applied to the targeted area. Vacuum applicators draw the tissue into the applicator cup. Applicators are secured to the treatment area. All applicators deliver controlled cooling to the targeted fat.
The Procedure of Cool Sculpting
- A doctor or trained healthcare provider will perform the procedure using a handheld device. The device has applicators that look similar to the nozzles of a vacuum cleaner.
- During the treatment, the healthcare provider will apply a gel pad and applicator to the targeted area. The applicator delivers controlled cooling to the targeted fat. The provider will then move the device over your skin while administering suction and cooling technology to the target area. Some offices have several machines that allow them to treat multiple target areas in one visit.
- It’s common to experience some feelings of pulling and pinching during the process, but overall the procedure involves minimal pain. The provider typically will massage the treated areas immediately after treatment to breakup any frozen deep tissue. This will help your body begin to absorb the destroyed fat cells. Some people complain that this massage is slightly uncomfortable.
- Each treatment can take anywhere between one and three hours. People frequently listen to music, read, or even work on the computer during the procedure.